Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Audition for SXM/NBC!!!

YAY!! i got an audition with SXM/NBC as a yoga instructor for a pilot! When I got that phone call I could not have been happier! I immediately did my research and practiced any yoga pose I could do without tumbling over.  I was a nervous wreck. But through it all I came into the audition room with a smile and did my best. The people were really nice, so that helped.  Above is a picture of me standing at the bus stop with bags under my eyes and a cup of Starbucks. Gotta love Starbucks.

Question: Which makes more money per year? Starbucks or cocaine? My vote is for Starbucks. I'm sure that even the coke heads are cutting down due to the recession. But Starbucks nuts like me are still spending 5 bucks for coffee! Recession? What recession? COFFEE!!!!

1 comment:

Benedicthadley said...

Ive got 20 bucks on the yayo.