Friday, March 27, 2009

My First Showcase!

 I finally gave in to the whole showcase idea and decided to attend one that was featuring two commercial agents from Arcieri and Paradigm....(deep breath).....I was nervous. So nervous. It was my first time doing a commercial audition as well as performing in front of agents. So it was a double whammy for me. I stumbled a bit, but fortunately, they were friendly and helpful. So when I walked out of the one-on-one I felt confident and well equipped with the knowledge needed for my next commercial audition. Hey, you can't get em all. can learn something.

Peace in the middle east and God bless!

PS: I liked my experience. I'd go again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wrote it. Shot it! Ha!

So, I wrote a short for my reel called "Wedding Day" (working title) and shot it this weekend! What feeling I tell you, what a feeling! First off, it was nice being in front of Benedict's camera again and working with one of my best friends Minna Randolf (left). We were on stage together in high school for Romeo and Juliet. She was Lady Capulet. I was Juliet. So you can imagine my excitement when she said yes to the role of the bitchy yet misunderstood older sister Rene. The wonderful actress on the right is Alita Dawson who plays the "rock" of the trio Juliene. It was a blessing to have met her. She inspired the third character that made my short complete! Last but not least is little old me standing in the middle with the wedding gown on. I play Anntoinette. The slightly immature but good hearted baby of the family. I'd tell you the plot but why when you could just watch it?!!! I'll post it when the edit is all said and done.

PS: I enjoyed filming this so much and loved the concept so much that I have decided to write a full screenplay based on this short. Also, I want to thank God for a smooth shoot and the creativity and drive to write my own short and then being blessed with talented people to help bring it to life in front of my own eyes! What an amazing experience!

God Bless! Put him first today, it can only do you good!